Community Resilience and Engagement

Module Intentions

  1. Define community engagement and discuss a community safety approach to building disaster resilience
  2. Outline the 5 elements of Community engagement and align with the needs of a specific community
  3. Discuss the principles of effective community engagement and gain awareness of the AIDR Community Engagement Model for Emergency Management
  4. Awareness of Community Engagement Models and Community safety approach-including the International Association of Public Participation Spectrum for community Engagement
  5. Understand the importance of identifying people at risk within the community emphasising communication and engagement as integral in emergency management in communities.

Why do you need to know about Community Resilience and Engagement ?

The importance of community engagement can not be overestimated as a vital process to connect stakeholders with the expertise, knowledge, resources and capabilities of emergency management agencies and organizations.

When will you apply this knowledge?

Application of this knowledge can be used if you are working for an organization so you can be clear about the purpose of the engagement in any phase of an emergency, what the engagement aims to achieve, and the degree of influence a community is able to have in the Preparation, Planning, Response and Recovery phases of an emergency.

Effective engagement is complex and requires a long-term commitment to build and maintain relationships with the community therefore being upfront and clear about the engagement process is essential for establishing and maintaining trust.

What is Community Engagement?

Community engagement is a planned process with the specific purpose of working across organisations, stakeholders and communities to shape our decisions or actions in relation to a problem, opportunity or outcome.

Introduction to Community Resilience and Engagement

Community engagement is a planned process with the specific purpose of working across organisations, stakeholders and communities to shape our decisions or actions in relation to a problem, opportunity or outcome.


The video below will give an overview of Community Engagement and Resilience in Tasmania from a range of people from the emergency management sector.

What is Disaster Resilience?

Disaster resilience is the ability of all sectors of society and individuals to survive, adapt and thrive in the face of turbulent change or acute stresses. If a community is resilient then everybody is responsible, accountable and works together using evidence to:

  • Reduce disaster risk
  • Better withstand, recover from and adapt if disasters do occur.

Effective community engagement leads to a disaster resilient community.

Developing a disaster resilient community is important and links directly to effective community engagement by key stakeholders. The need for people to understand the risks that may affect them and others in their community include:

  • Understanding the risks assessed around Australia, particularly those in their local area
  • People need to have comprehensive local information about hazards and risks, including who is exposed and who is most vulnerable
  • People should take action to prepare for disasters and are adaptive and flexible to respond appropriately during emergencies.