SES is working with local community at high risk of flooding to develop Community Protection Flood Plans and guides. This helps local community resilience in the face of flooding events. Find out more about the Storm and Flood Ready Program.
General flood preparedness guidance
- Be ready for storms and floods visual guide (Printable version)
- Home Emergency Plan
- Primary Industry Flood Readiness Toolkit
- Business Tasmania resources on risk management, emergency preparedness and recovery
- Support for people with disability to get ready for emergencies
Local community flood guides
- Huon Valley
- Longford
- Launceston Levee protected areas
- Deloraine and surrounds
- Meander township
- Gunns Plains and surrounds
- South Hobart
- Hobart CBD and surrounds
- New Town – Lenah Valley
- Moonah – Derwent Park
- Glenorchy city and suburb
- West Ulverstone – Lower Leven
- Don River
- Forth
- Railton
- St Marys
- Orford
Draft community flood guides for community input
- New Norfolk
- Bushy Park and surrounds
- Molesworth and surrounds
- Lachlan and surrounds
- Westerway to Maydena (Tyenna River)
Upcoming local community flood guides
SES is working or plans to work with the following communities on community protection planning. These communities all have a history of damaging riverine flooding. A state level flood risk assessment is underway. This will inform future community protection planning.
- Wivenhoe
- Smithton and surrounds
- Westbury/ Quamby Brook
- Bracknell and the Upper Liffey River catchment
- Campbell Town and surrounds
- Ross and surrounds
- Avoca and surrounds
- Fingal and surrounds
- Tunbridge and surrounds
- Mole Creek and surrounds
- Wynyard and surrounds
- Branxholm and Derby
- Dynnyrne – Sandy Bay Rivulet
- Kingston Beach
- Snug
- Triabunna to Little Swanport
- Swansea and surrounds
- East Ulverstone and surrounds
- Penguin and surrounds
- Western Creek and surrounds
- Bothwell and surrounds
- Hamilton and surrounds
- Ouse and surrounds
- Bagdad and surrounds
- Richmond and surrounds
For known flood prone communities without community protection plans, there are links to local council flooding information as an interim measure to find out more about flooding in your local area.
View easy read resource – Be ready for storms and floods.