What is the TEMA
The Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements (TEMA) are issued under
the authority of the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management in
accordance with the requirements of Section 32 of the Emergency Management Act 2006. The TEMA provides essential
information for people who have a direct involvement in emergency management:
• full time;
• an occasional part of their normal duties; or
• as an emergency service volunteer.
The TEMA outlines the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when’ of emergency management arrangements and describes roles, responsibilities and agreed arrangements for the four phases of emergency management, abbreviated to PPRR:
- Prevention (mitigation);
- Preparedness;
- Response; and
- Recovery.
Location of the TEMA online
The TEMA can be found on the Tasmanian SES website in the Emergency Management section at the following link:
In addition The TEMA can be accessed in the file library section of WebEOC if you have access to this platform.

This document is maintained by the Emergency Management Unit (EMU) of the State Emergency Service (SES) on behalf of the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC). Please direct any queries to the EMU via ses@ses.tas.gov.au or 03 6173 2700.